Precious Knowledge: Fighting for Mexican American Studies Unbeknownst to me, Mexican-American students have a 50% drop out rate, the highest in the United States. Precious Knowledge: Fighting for Mexican American Studies highlights a Tucson, Arizona high school Mexican-American/Raza Studies program. The Spanish expression la Raza means the people or the community. Student's interviewed stated that they "feel like the education system wants them to fail" and "nothing was done to help them get into college." in 1997, the Hispanic Studies Department was created in the Tucson Public School District. After this program was implemented there were noticeable changes in student achievement and decreased drop out rates. One of teacher's descriptions of the progress bring made was best said as, "plant...
Abolitionist teaching and the future of our schools (video). Bettina Love author, We Want to Do More Than Survive, Gholdy Muhammad author, Cultivating Genius, Dena Simmons author, White Rules for Black People moderated by Brian Jones of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture come together to share their common interest in abolitionist teaching. I really appreciated Gholdy Muhammad's approach to abolitionist teaching. Her model has four goals in mind. Identity, Skills, Intellect, and Criticality. This model keeps the whole child in mind and creates equality for all students with each goal building upon the other. Bettina Love adds, "abolitionist education is starting over, evening the playin...